LG 18650 C4 2800mAh (Brown)
Official specifications:
- Nominal capacity: 2850mAH
- Minimum capacity: 2750mAh
- Nominal voltage: 3.65V
- Discharge end voltage: 2.75V
- Standard charge: 1375mA (0.2C)
- Max. charge voltage: 4.2V +/- 0.05V
- Max. charge current: 2750mA (1C)
- Cycle life: 300 cycles to 75% charge/discharge 0.5C
- Max. discharge current: 1375mA -20°C ~ 5°C, 5500mA (2C) 5°C ~ 45°C, 4125mA 45°C ~ 60°C
- Operating temperature: charge: -3°C ~ 50°C, discharge: -20°C ~ 60°C
This is a medium capacity cell with standard current capabilities.
Very nice discharge curves, capacity is constant up to a bit above rated current.
This is a good quality cell for lower current usage (i.e. a couple of amps).
Notes and links
Vapcell told me that I was missing some cells in my comparator and they would be happy to supply them.
How is the test done and how to read the charts
How is a protected LiIon battery constructed
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